Clients & Cases

Tendering for access control

Tendering for access control

The ambition of this customer is to keep the (physical and logical) security of the water supply at a high level or to improve it further. Regarding access security, the customer wants to replace the existing systems with one uniform ACS/Access Control System.

Our assignment was to support the internal project organisation with our expertise in acquiring, implementing and maintaining a complete new ACS for the > 50 locations in Zeeland, Noord-Brabant and Zuid-Holland. This new ACS must contribute to the established security policy; it must be a uniform system that is centrally managed but that can also be used decentrally per region for local authorisation management.

The future situation is that the new and uniform ACS is integrated into the customer's entire security system. An important part of this is the software links with the existing SMS/Security Management System and the MIM/Microsoft Identity Manager system. The integration also includes links to the intrusion notification systems.

We have supported the customer in this process by drawing up a functional design brief of requirements for the announced tender. Interviews, desk research, input of our know-how and knowledge of the security integrators have led to this PoR.

We also provided guidance to the customer in this tender, from answering questions from integrators to assessing and participating in the verification meetings with the tenderers. The result was that the winning integrator started with the implementation of the new TCS/access control system !