Our expertise

Risk analysis

In addition to the primary business risks, organisations also have to deal with various NFR/non-financial risks*. Top management is increasingly aware of this. As a rule, large/complex organisations therefore have internal and/or external risk managers.

R&T consultancy has a team of experienced risk management consultants, who will be happy to advise you on how to be prepared for risks. In our opinion, risk management should have a stimulating rather than inhibiting effect. We make sure that risks are managed instead of taken. After all, your organisation is in control of the management of risks and that supports an efficient and effective management.

We are happy to help:
√  • Organising and performing a Risk Self-Assessment and analysis of the formulated (priority) risks;
√  • Preparing any risk management advice, plans and manuals;
√  • Setting up and implementing the risk management organisation. "From unconsciously taking risks to consciously taking risks".

*NFR is the risk of financial loss, reputational damage, legal or regulatory sanctions resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from failures to comply with relevant laws, regulations and standards.